How much does shipping cost? 

We offer international shipping globally. Enjoy free worldwide shipping on orders above $280. For orders under, general shipping cost is listed below:


When will my order ship?

Once we receive your order, our warehouse team will process the order within one business day. However, bags might need to be collected from warehouses at different locations. While also adhering to international shipping distancing measures, please allow 1 to 7 business days for your order to ship.


How long does it take for my order to be received?

We try to deliver your desired bags, no matter where you are located, as fast as possible. Therefore, we partner with different shipping companies. General delivery times of different shipping agencies are listed below:



Shipping Companies

Delivery Time

North America


6-8 business days



6-8 business days



6-8 business days

East Asia except China


3-4 business days

South America


10-15 business days



10-15 business days



8-10 business days

Middle East


6-8 business days


Will I be charged international duties and/or taxes?

Customs duties and fees are the responsibility of the recipient. International shipments are subject to duties and fees that vary by country and are based on the value of your order. The amount calculated depends on the destination country's tax and valuation method.


Can I cancel or modify my order before it ships?

Once we receive your order, we start working on it right away! If you’d like to cancel or edit the shipping address on your order, please email us at info@peco.com.cn as soon as possible and we’ll do our best to accommodate requests. Our customer experience service is available Monday through Friday (excluding local holidays) from 10 am - 7 pm UTC/GMT +8.00 (Beijing Time Zone) and requests made outside of business hours are not guaranteed.